Friday, February 26, 2010

Lilah's Birth Story!

I was 40 wks 5 days they did a stress test and Lilah looked great. I was hoping for good news on progress when my midwife checked me. I was still at a fingertip and 50% effaced and all I wanted to do was cry. My midwife offered up scheduling an induction and also said I had the option of just scheduling a C-section since baby was estimating at 9lbs 2oz. I told her I would like to try for vaginal delivery. My husband and I both made a point to let her know that we had everything in our car and could go straight to L&D if they had an opening that day. She called to schedule and let us know that we would be going in Tuesday night (2/23) and to look for a call from L&D from 5 - 7:30pm letting us know what time to come in. I was bummed out to be going home but glad to have an end in sight. When we got outside, my mom was waiting in the parking lot to see what the news was. She has been super-anxious and was on her way to work and decided to stop through and meet up with us to get an update. I told her we were going home and filled in all the details of the appt. About 10 minutes later we were getting in the car to head home and I noticed I had a voicemail from my OB's office. Checked my voicemail and it was from my midwife asking me to call back re: the scheduled induction. Great news! L&D calld back right after I left and said they had n opening and we could come right over!! I was so excited!

We went across the street to the hospital and got all checked in. They set my up in a room and @ aroundlf a tab 1:30pm I was given half a Cytotec to get things rolling. I started having contraction, a lot of which I could not feel. At 5:30pm my midwfie came by to check my progress and I was 1cm & 60% effaced. I was so happy to have made progress, even though it wasn't very much. She said that my contraction were too closed together to get another half of Cytotec so she wanted to start me on Cervidil. The pharmacy finally got my Cervidil up to L&D at 7:30pm. I had some contractions I could feel throughout the night. They came in and took out the Cervidil the next morning at checked me, I was still at 1-2cm and 60% effaced. My midwife then suggested that we try inserting a foley cath into my cervix to try and dilate me further and start me on pitocen. The foley cath procedure was the most painful thing I have felt in my life! It was terrible and unsuccessful because my cervix was so high that she couldn't get it in properly. She then suggested that I go ahead and get my epidural early, around 11:30am, so that we could try the foley cath procedure with out me feeling it. I asked if we could wait until 12:15pm to see if I made any changes on my own first. The pitocen ws giving me pretty decent contraction by the time she came back. She checked me again and I was 2-3cm. I decided to go ahead and get the epidural so that we could try the foley cath again. I was a nervous wreck when getting the epi and I cried like a baby after the anethesiologist finished. I had progressively strong contraction thoughout the afternoon that I couldn't feel. At 2:30pm my nurse helped my flip to my right side because I was more numb on my left side. When I flipped she spent about 30 minutes trying to get the baby on the monitor and it just wasn't happening. She helped me flip back to my left and when I did, my water broke! I was so excited! The nurse said there was a little meconium, but not to worry about it. At 5:30 my midwife came to check my progress and I was 3-4 cm & 70% effaced.We had been upping my pitocen all afternoon and I was up to 20, which is the max for external monitoring. She got me set up on internal monitoring anf upped me to 22. Baby had been dropped down at every contraction for quite a while but wouldn't engaged. She kept going back up to -3 station. We then discussed the possibilty of a C-section. My midwife told me she would be back at 9:30pm to check me and we would go from there. I was so exhausted. I told her that I really wanted her to jut be blunt with me when she recheck me later and if she thought we were heading for a C-section anyway at that point I wanted to know since we had tried everything in the book to induce me. 9:30pm came and she checked again. I was 4cm and baby was still at -3 station. After 33 hours of failed induction, she said we should go ahead with the C-section. I was definitely bummed out and so tired at that point so I said "Let's do it." Literally 2 minutes later all the OR staff was in my room getting me ready to go ino surgery. I thought there would be some downtime since it wasn't an emergency, but I am glad they got me started so quickly because Inervous wreck. Very quickly after that Brian was all suited up we were off to the OR. I didn't open my eyes until the nurse said "Ok, you will hear your baby cry in a mintue. She is almost out." I had no idea they had even started yet. I thought the sensations I was feeling was prepping me and making sure I was numb. T hen I heard it. The most wonderful sound in the world, Lilah's first cry! I opened my eyes and looked at Brian and we both started crying. She was born at 10:25pm on 2/23/10. The 34 hours that lead up to birth were so worth it in the end. Brian and I are so in love with her. It is truly the best thing I have ever done in my life! Smile

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